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Palacký University


Faculty of Education

Faculty of Education offers full-time, part-time and individual studies within the bachelor's, magister’s and doctoral degree programmes. There are also continuing education programmes (fee-based study) in several forms of study.

Teacher Education for Primary Schools (magister’s degree study)
Graduates obtain a university qualification for teaching at primary schools. Students can specialise in music, the visual arts, physical education or health education, according to their interests and the capacities of the relevant departments. The study programme includes teaching practice at schools.

Teacher Education for Primary Schools - Foreign Language for Primary Schools (magister’s study)
Graduates of this programme can also obtain a qualification for foreign language teaching at elementary level. The language and methodology instruction is focused on the specific features of teaching foreign languages to this age group.

Teacher Education in Special Subjects for Secondary Health Schools (magister’s degree study)
Graduates are qualified to teach somatology, psychology with pedagogy, and nursing at institutions of health education. The programme is guaranteed by the Department of Anthropology and Hygiene in co-operation with the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.

Teacher Education in Social and Health Care for Secondary Schools (magister’s degree study)
Graduates will teach social and health care subjects at two- or four-year secondary vocational schools.

Teacher Education in the Visual Arts for Elementary Schools of Art (magister’s degree study)
The programme provides theory as well as practical and technical skills in drawing, painting, modelling, graphics, construction, photography, ceramics and textiles, and also performance and computer graphics. Graduates are also qualified to teach visual arts at secondary schools.

Teacher Education for Lower Secondary Schools (magister’s degree study)
Students combine two subjects from a broad range offered. The programme includes pedagogy, psychology, the chosen subjects and the didactics of these subjects. Most often the combined studies include Czech, English and German Languages, Mathematics, Natural History, Music, Visual Arts, Civics, Technical and Family education. Graduates are qualified to teach subjects of their specialisation at lower secondary schools.

Teacher Education for Special Schools and Primary Schools (magister’s degree study)
The special education study programme is organised according to the students' choice (teaching children with impaired hearing or sight, with mental or physical handicap or children with educational difficulties) and combined with another subject. Graduates are qualified to teach the chosen subjects in the upper grades of special schools and lower secondary schools.

Teaching for Special Schools and Special Primary Schools (magister’s degree study)
Graduates will teach at special schools and at primary schools for educationally subnormal children and in classes with integrated education of children with disabilities.
Speech Therapy (magister’s degree study)

Graduates can work in speech therapy institutions, they provide diagnoses as well as re-education and re-habilitation for the patients with speech defects (resulting from injury or disease) at clinics and social care institutions. They can also work with children of pre-school and school age.

Teacher Education for Secondary Schools (magister’s degree study)
Pedagogy, music, visual arts, instrument playing and singing. The graduates are qualified to teach at secondary schools or at elementary schools of arts.

Pedagogy (magister’s degree study)
Specialized study of pedagogy is designed as an open study programme with a focus on the preparation of experts in the field of experimental pedagogy, educational management, social communication and other social services spheres (public administration, social work).

Special Pedagogy for Tutors (bachelor's degree study)
The graduates are qualified for tutorial and organisational work with mentally retarded people, children with impaired sight or hearing, physically handicapped children or persons with educational difficulties. The study consists of the psychological, medical, legal and pedagogic principles of special education, which are important for work with the handicapped population.

Pedagogical Counselling and School Management (bachelor's degree study)
The programme is intended for practical training tutors at lower managerial posts or for pedagogical counsellors.

Teaching English as a Foreign Language (bachelor's study, part time only)
Language and methodology instruction is focused on teaching the language at elementary schools.

Post-graduate doctoral study:Educational Studies, Special Education, Music Theory and Education, Art Education (Theory of Art Education and Art Production)


ECTS Study GuideECTS Diploma SupplementSummer School of Slavonic LanguagesApplication forms


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Last update: 24. 03. 2017, Květoslav Bártek