International office
Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc
Žižkovo náměstí 5
771 40 Olomouc
Office hours:
Wednesday 9-11 am & 2-3 pm
And upon previous e-mail arrangement.
Vojtech Regec
Vice-Dean for International Relations
Tel: 420 585 6353 30
Door No: 2.72a
Jana Dostálová
Agenda: Head of the office; Erasmus students
Tel: +420 585 635 007
e-mail: jana.dostalova(at)
Door No: 3.43
Dagmar Zdráhalová
Agenda: international students (except Erasmus); cooperation agreements
Tel: +420 585 635 907
e-mail: dagmar.zdrahalova(at)
Door No: 3.43
Marcela Weiglhoferová
Agenda: business trips abroad; degree students in bachelor´s and master´s programmes
Tel: +420 585 635 028
e-mail: marcela.weiglhoferova(at)
Door No: 3.66