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04.03.2015, 12:37, Stáří: 10 r.

Intercultural Summer Academies in Germany and Turkey – Apply for a scholarship by March 31!

Autor: -sb-


Get to know international campus life, meet new people from all over the world, and qualify for a future career in cross-cultural work environments

Scholarships available!

Our living and working environment is affected by globalization and internationalization. Hence, the ability to effectively communicate and deal with others in intercultural settings became a necessity. The Intercultural Summer Academies are organized by InterCultur gGmbH (subsidiary of AFS Germany) and Karlshochschule International University and other international partners, as well as in close cooperation with Stiftung Mercator, one of Germany’s largest foundations. They bring together young people from all over the world to work together on the following questions: How are cultures constructed, how do people perceive the world, how can we solve the problems that arise when different cultural values meet? The Summer Academies are characterized by their innovative combination of university lectures and practical workshops. An experiential learning approach, leading to a very deep and lasting understanding of the topic addressed!

Summer Academy on Intercultural Experience

Karlsruhe (Germany), July 20‒31, 2015

Today’s societies are differentiated up to a very high degree, due to the flux of migration and refugees, but often just because of historical developments that led to the current situation. Influencing factors can be post-colonial politics, economical dynamics, changing awareness of diversity in a specific context, and, of course, the overall globalization of information.

Sometimes, intercultural issues derive from differences in the cultural encoding and decoding of our activities. Often, as well, diversity is interpreted as ideology and the encounter of conflicting value systems.

The Summer Academy aims at developing applied solutions for intercultural challenges in business and society, focusing on the topics of international relations and intercultural conflict resolution. Furthermore, it introduces the term “Intercultural Competence” as well as the variety of methods used in trainings within this field and their design. 

Summer Academy on Sustainability from an Intercultural Perspective

Istanbul (Turkey), August 3‒14, 2015

Differing attitudes towards energy politics and the sustainable use of resources are easily leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. The impact of culture in this context is often neglected or not taken in consideration. Therefore, this Summer Academy now approaches these topics from an intercultural perspective and aims at developing applied solutions for intercultural challenges in international energy politics as well as further ecological issues. Furthermore, the concept of “Sustainable Development” will be introduced.

Both Summer Academies are being held in English and are open to anyone aged 18–35 with a demonstrable interest in intercultural encounters, especially undergraduate students and young professionals. Scholarships are being offered (deadline for scholarship applications is March 31, 2015).

Are you interested? Please find more information in the attached flyers as well as on http://intercultural-summeracademy.org/

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